Percentage Calculator

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Here you can select the Percentage Calculator to help you calculate percent values. Every Percentage Calculator can be configured and customized to calculate various values revolving around percent values. These calculators can be used both on your mobile device as well as on your computer. Every Percentage Calculator is free and easy to use.

Every Percentage Calculator is a great resource for someone working with percent values.

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Detailed Description for Every Percentage Calculator

Percent Error Calculator
This Percentage Calculator will allow you to calculate the percent error between an observed value and an actual value. This Percent Error Calculator takes an observed value and and an actual value, then calculates how many percent points above or below the actual value the observed value is.

Percentage Calculator
This Percentage Calculator will allow you to calculate a percentage of a particular value. This Percentage Calculator will take the value you specify, apply a percentage to it and return the value of your base number against the specified percent.

Percentage Phrases Calculator
This Percentage Calculator will allow you to calculate a percentage of a particular value, with different phrases that might be used. This Percentage With Phrases Calculator will help you to interpret how different phrases entail different percent and percentage calculations.

Percentage Change Calculator
This Percentage Calculator will allow you to calculate the change in a value based off a percentage. This Percentage Change Calculator will allow you to take a number, determine whether you want to increase it or decrease it, and specify a percentage amount by which to do so.

Percentage Difference Calculator
This Percentage Calculator will allow you to calculate the difference in percentage of two values. This Percentage Difference Calculator takes two values and finds the percentage difference between them.